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Sunday, 09 February 2014 21:34

Support of selected local groups in exploring and developing strategies for asserting women’s land rights in diverse contexts

Support of selected local groups in exploring and developing strategies for asserting women’s land rights in diverse contexts


Project Reference Number: (As indicated in grant agreement)


  • Project Name    : Support of selected local groups in exploring and developing strategies for asserting women’s land rights in diverse contexts
  • Project Location : Jakarta, West Sumatera, Nusa Tenggara Barat
  • Start and End date of Project (original schedule) : 15/03/2010 ; 15/11/2010
  • Start and End date of Project (revised schedule requested) : 15/03/2010 ; 31/12/2010 (the letter of request submitted on November 24, 2010)
  • Organization Name : Semarak Cerlang Nusa – Consultancy Research and Education for Social Transformation (SCN – CREST)
  • Organization Address : Jl. Masjid Al-Ridwan No.39D Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12540
  • Organization Telephone : (+62) 21- 7815679 


Contact Person:

  • Name                 : Sri Wiyanti Eddyono
  • Title                   : Cheir
  • Telephone          : (+62) 8122695993
  • Email                 : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Address              : Jl. Masjid Al-Ridwan No. 39D Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12540



4. The project participants and the benefits they get from the project


In Pariaman West Sumatera, the beneficiaries of project are 18 women. During the process of project: 3 of them who have ancestral disputes were helped to solve their cases by others as collective strategies; Then, others women have experiences to handle the disputes by helping 3 of case that faced by 3 friend.


In Lombok West Nusa Tenggara, the beneficiaries of project are 29 people (12 men, 17 women). Details are as follows:

  • 17 people (religious leaders, traditional leaders and paralegal activists) on women’s rights to inheritance and ownership of land and other property; the benefited that they get are knowledge and experiences how to handle or resolve the disputes of inheritance cases by using the strategies;
  • 12 women who have WIPR cases; the members of groups helped them to resolve their cases by using strategies that have been made.


5. Change of plans

The activity that can not be done is support local group to conduct policy dialogue. Policy dialogue, initially, will be done on September to response the draft of Regional Regulation on communal land in Pariaman Distric. SCN’s work plan drafted by WIPR SCN coordinator and both field sites coordinator in Jakarta, did not into consideration that participants project cannot participate in non-religious activities during Ramadhan (9 August – 9 September) and Lebaran (10-20 September). This caused the preparations of public dialogue can not be done. Further, on October to November activities preoccupied with design of strategies asserting women’s rights on inheritance and land ownership and other property, and implemented the strategies in both field sites.


6. The potential long impact


The local groups were established in both project sites. This achieved is SCN’s capital in further to continue developing the issue of WIPR.


In Lombok West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), SCN has catalized LBH APIK NTB (Legal aid for women in NTB) to handle the case of women’s inheritance and property rights cases not only using by ordinary legal process but also using the progressive interpretation of state laws.


In Pariaman West Sumatera, although SCN does not working with certain institution, but SCN has quite well known there. At least, now, there are 4 new women’s local groups except Teluk village that have been formed before, such as women’s local groups in Pakasai village, Palak Aneh village, Padusunan village, and Bungin village. They will continue to be concerned on WIPR issue.


A potencial achieved resul that may sustained to some extent is getting support for the project from other local authorities who are not directly involved in the project, such as village head and other village officials, religious leader, customary leaders, policy makers, decision makers. The measure taken to develop sustainability is that local field coordinators are communicating regularly with these to ensure that they are well informed of the issue. Also SCN have to communicate regularly with local field coordinators in both project sites to ensure that they are well informed of the issue.


7. Planning to share a newly gained insights


SCN has a fairly good track record in supporting of selected groups in community exploring to develop strategies, and how to implement step by step those strategies for asserting women’s rights to inheritance and ownership of land and other property. To dissemnitae the results of this project, SCN plans to raise a further funds to provide simple publications, such as leaflets and booklet. If there is enough time and money a workshop would be conducted first. To get input, prior to the production and dissemination of these products, especially, disseminate to all project participants.


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Additional Info

  • Publication Type: Research Report
  • Topic: Gender analysis

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